(the full text will be given upon registration)
Children from the age of three (potty-trained) are admitted to the School, depending on the parents' commitment to the pedagogy of the School. Admissions are only made after an interview and a visit. By signing the registration form, the parents, the holder of parental authority, unreservedly approve the "Conditions of admission" the "Financial Conditions" and the "Manual for use of Parents".
The document "Contract between the School and Parents", which accompanies the above documents, must be signed by parents before registration and entry at School becomes final. Otherwise, the admission will not be accepted.
Pre-enrolment form
To apply for admission, please complete the form below.
ECOLE DES NATIONS (Montessori pedagogy)
Chemin Dr-Adolphe-Pasteur 13
1209 Geneva
Office : 022 738 81 80
Email :
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